Frame Processors

CLI Arguments

Frame Processors

Load a single or multiple frame processors.

Argument: --frame-processors

Default: face_swapper

Choices: age-modifier face_debugger face_enhancer face_swapper frame_colorizer frame_enhancer lip_syncer

Example: --frame-processors face_swapper face_enhancer

Age Modifier Model ⁿᵉˣᵗ

Choose the model responsible for aging the facee.

Argument: --age-modifier-model

Default: styleganex_age

Choices: styleganex_age

Example: --age-modifier-model styleganex_age

Age Modifier Direction ⁿᵉˣᵗ

Specify the direction in which the age should be modified.

Argument: --age-modifier-direction

Default: 0

Range: -100 to 100 at 1

Example: --age-modifier-direction 100

Face Debugger Items

Visualize face detector and face masker related items.

Argument: --face-debugger-items

Default: face-landmark-5/68 face-mask

Choices: bounding-box face-landmark-5 face-landmark-5/68 face-landmark-68 face-landmark-68/5 face-mask face-detector-score face-landmarker-score age-gender

Example: --face-debugger-items bounding-box face-detector-score

Face Enhancer Model

Choose the model responsible for enhancing the face.

Argument: --face-enhancer-model

Default: gfpgan_1.4

Choices: codeformer gfpgan_1.2 gfpgan_1.3 gfpgan_1.4 gpen_bfr_256 gpen_bfr_512 gpen_bfr_1024 gpen_bfr_2048 restoreformer_plus_plus

Example: --face-enhancer-model codeformer

Face Enhancer Blend

Blend the enhanced into the previous face.

Argument: --face-enhancer-blend

Default: 80

Range: 0 to 100 at 1

Example: --face-enhancer-blend 60

Face Swapper Model ⁿᵉˣᵗ

Choose the model responsible for swapping the face.

Argument: --face-swapper-model

Default: inswapper_128_fp16

Choices: blendswap_256 ghost_256_unet_1 ghost_256_unet_2 ghost_256_unet_3 inswapper_128 inswapper_128_fp16 simswap_256 simswap_512_unofficial uniface_256

Example: --face-swapper-model simswap_256

Face Swapper Pixel Boost ⁿᵉˣᵗ

Choose the pixel boost resolution for the face swapper.

Argument: --face-swapper-pixel-boost

Default: 128x128

Choices: 128x128 256x256 384x384 512x512 768x768 1024x1024

Example: --face-swapper-pixel-boost 512x512

Frame Colorizer Model

Choose the model responsible for colorizing the frame.

Argument: --frame-colorizer-model

Default: ddcolor

Choices: ddcolor ddcolor_artistic deoldify deoldify_artistic deoldify_stable

Example: --frame-enhancer-model deoldify

Frame Colorizer Blend

Blend the colorized into the previous frame.

Argument: --frame-colorizer-blend

Default: 100

Range: 0 to 100 at 1

Example: --frame-colorizer-blend 80

Frame Colorizer Size

Specify the size of the frame provided to the frame colorizer.

Argument: --frame-colorizer-size

Default: 256x256

Choices: 256x256 384x384 512x512

Example: --frame-colorizer-size 512

Frame Enhancer Model

Choose the model responsible for enhancing the frame.

Argument: --frame-enhancer-model

Default: span_kendata_x4

Choices: lsdir_x4 nomos8k_sc_x4 real_esrgan_x2 real_esrgan_x2_fp16 real_esrgan_x4 real_esrgan_x4_fp16 real_hatgan_x4 span_kendata_x4

Example: --frame-enhancer-model real_hatgan_x4

Frame Enhancer Blend

Blend the enhanced into the previous frame.

Argument: --frame-enhancer-blend

Default: 80

Range: 0 to 100 at 1

Example: --frame-enhancer-blend 60

Lip Syncer Model

Choose the model responsible for syncing the lips.

Argument: --lip-syncer-model

Default: wave2lip_gan

Choices: wave2lip_gan

Example: --lip-syncer-model wave2lip_gan

Default Overrides

Modify the facefusion.ini file to override the defaults.

frame_processors = face_swapper face_enhancer
age_modifier_model = styleganex_age
age_modifier_direction = 100
face_debugger_items = bounding-box face-detector-score
face_enhancer_model = codeformer
face_enhancer_blend = 60
face_swapper_model = simswap_256
face_swapper_pixel_boost = 512x512
frame_colorizer_model = deoldify
frame_colorizer_blend = 80
frame_colorizer_size = 512
frame_enhancer_model = real_hatgan_x4
frame_enhancer_blend = 60
lip_syncer_model = wave2lip_gan

Last updated