Output Creation

CLI Arguments

Output Image Quality

Specify the image quality which translates to the compression factor.

Argument: --output-image-quality

Default: 80

Range: 0 to 100 at 1

Example: --output-image-quality 60

Output Image Resolution

Specify the image output resolution based on the target image.

Argument: --output-image-resolution

Default: None

Example: --output-image-resolution 1920x1080

Output Audio Encoder ⁿᵉˣᵗ

Specify the encoder used for the audio output.

Argument: --output-audio-encoder

Default: aac

Choices: aac libmp3lame libopus libvorbis

Example: --output-audio-encoder libvorbis

Output Video Encoder

Specify the encoder used for the video output.

Argument: --output-video-encoder

Default: libx264

Choices: libx264 libx265 libvpx-vp9 h264_nvenc hevc_nvenc h264_amf hevc_amf

Example: --output-video-encoder libx265

Output Video Preset

Balance fast video processing and video file size.

Argument: --output-video-preset

Default: veryfast

Choices: ultrafast superfast veryfast faster fast medium slow slower veryslow

Example: --output-video-preset ultrafast

Output Video Quality

Specify the video quality which translates to the compression factor.

Argument: --output-video-quality

Default: 80

Range: 0 to 100 at 1

Example: --output-video-quality 60

Output Video Resolution

Specify the video output resolution based on the target video.

Argument: --output-video-resolution

Default: None

Example: --output-video-resolution 1920x1080

Output Video Fps

Specify the video output fps based on the target video.

Argument: --output-video-fps

Default: None

Range: 1 to 60

Example: --output-video-fps 30

Skip Audio

Omit the audio from the target video.

Argument: --skip-audio

Default: None

Example: --skip-audio

Default Overrides

Modify the facefusion.ini file to override the defaults.

output_image_quality = 60
output_image_resolution = 1920x1080
output_audio_encoder = libvorbis
output_video_encoder = libx265
output_video_preset = ultrafast
output_video_quality = 60
output_video_resolution = 1920x1080
output_video_fps = 30
skip_audio = True

Last updated