
Industry leading face manipulation platform.



Be aware, the installation needs technical skills and is not recommended for beginners. In case you are not comfortable using a terminal, our Windows Installer and macOS Installer get you started.



Run the command:

python [commands] [options]

  -h, --help                                      show this help message and exit
  -v, --version                                   show program's version number and exit

    run                                           run the program
    headless-run                                  run the program in headless mode
    force-download                                force automate downloads and exit
    job-list                                      list jobs by status
    job-create                                    create a drafted job
    job-submit                                    submit a drafted job to become a queued job
    job-submit-all                                submit all drafted jobs to become a queued jobs
    job-delete                                    delete a drafted, queued, failed or completed job
    job-delete-all                                delete all drafted, queued, failed and completed jobs
    job-add-step                                  add a step to a drafted job    
    job-remix-step                                remix a previous step from a drafted job
    job-insert-step                               insert a step to a drafted job
    job-remove-step                               remove a step from a drafted job
    job-run                                       run a queued job
    job-run-all                                   run all queued jobs
    job-retry                                     retry a failed job
    job-retry-all                                 retry all failed jobs

Last updated