Face Analyser

CLI Arguments

Face Detector Model ⁿᵉˣᵗ

Choose the model responsible for detecting the faces.

Argument: --face-detector-model

Default: yoloface

Choices: many retinaface scrfd yoloface

Example: --face-detector-model retinaface

Face Detector Angles

Specify the angles to rotate the frame before detecting faces.

Argument: --face-detector-angles

Default: 0

Choices: 0 90 180 270

Example: --face-detector-angles 0 180

Face Detector Size

Specify the size of the frame provided to the face detector.

Argument: --face-detector-size

Default: 640x640

Choices: 160x160 320x320 480x480 512x512 640x640 768x768 960x960 1024x1024

Example: --face-detector-size 320x320

Face Detector Score

Filter the detected faces base on the confidence score.

Argument: --face-detector-score

Default: 0.5

Range: 0 to 1 at 0.05

Example: --face-detector-score 0.7

Face Landmarker Score

Filter the detected landmarks base on the confidence score.

Argument: --face-landmarker-score

Default: 0.5

Range: 0 to 1 at 0.05

Example: --face-landmarker-score 0.7

Default Overrides ⁿᵉˣᵗ

Modify the facefusion.ini file to override the defaults.

face_detector_model = yoloface
face_detector_angles = 0 180
face_detector_size = 320x320
face_detector_score = 0.7
face_landmarker_score = 0.7

Last updated